An invisible, yet active current of mental energy, underscores any book as well as any other form of artistic creation. A creative burst of psychological energy ignites any creative project. The emotional energy that underlies the artistic work propels it forward endowing it with articulation, texture, rhythm, and movement. When the expressive energy of the artist flags, the work comes to a stopping point and it takes on its final composition. . Kilroy J. Oldster
About This Quote

The energy that underlies the artistic work propels it forward endowing it with articulation, texture, rhythm, and movement. When the expressive energy of the artist flags, the work comes to a stopping point and it takes on its final composition. The creative burst of psychological energy ignites any creative project. At the beginning, when the creative process is in its infancy, there are many ideas in play.

The artist’s mind is in a state of intelligent chaos. The artist has an idea for a piece of art or work of literature but doesn’t know how to make it happen. This phase of the process is referred to as incubation.

It is when the artist moves from having an idea to having a plan for putting his idea into action. It is during this time that the process of creation begins and new ideas are generated.

Source: Dead Toad Scrolls

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